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- Naturally ,as fixed by GOD,the Creator and Owner of life, without any interference by a doctor or anyone else; without any intention of attempted or assisted suicide or euthanasia; without any 'living will' (to be killed)/except the Islamic will for inheritance, with the full right to be given food, nutrition and life-saving treatment ,all respected even if one becomes mentally incapacitated, until the sudden natural stoppage of heat/circulation and respiration. Definitely not to die from starvation or dehydration, as this is killing and against God's laws!
- As a Muslim believer, declaring and uttering again at the moment of death(ShahadaH): There is only one God, Allah (the same God of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad: peace be upon them), and Muhammad was the final messenger.
- Surrounded by family members in the privacy of one's home (the Muslim's hospice), after having the final halal food and drink. A will for inheritance should have made out to the family members beforehand.
- Reassured that a quick burial (not cremation) will occur soon after death, and that no one will cut the body, remove organs, mutilate or abuse any part, and will keep it intact as it was in life (no autopsy/PM or organ transplantation).

- Totally reassured that all these wishes have been respected and implemented.

Dr A.Majid Katme(MBCh,DPM)

Spokesman on Medical ethics
Islamic Medical Association













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