Saturday, 18 August 2007, 10:46 GMT 11:46 UK BBCnews
Girls at risk amid India's prosperity
By Nick Bryant
BBC News
India is in the throes of a revolution of rising
expectations, a country animated by a providential
sense of its own possibility.
Female infanticide is highest in some of India's
wealthiest districts
Already, it is close to dislodging Japan as the
world's third largest economy, if purchasing power
is taken into account. And by 2040 should have eased
past China to become the planet's most populous
Though progress can be agonisingly and needlessly
slow, especially in the countryside, living standards
are improving, along with literacy rates and life
Female infanticide is highest in some of India's
wealthiest districts
In Mumbai not so long ago, I visited what can only
be described as a gentrified slum, where a young
father sat in front of his colour television mesmerised
by the fast-moving ticker racing across the bottom
of the screen.
He was checking on the value of his share portfolio,
and happily it was increasing with each occasional
blink of his eyes.
Daring to dream
Even in the shanties, still stinking and overcrowded,
people are daring to dream. The signs of change
are everywhere.
Inequalities aside, the crude equation that increased
wealth will lead ultimately to decreased suffering
should apply to most of India's social and economic
Yet there is one problem that prosperity is actually
I saw this for myself in a hospital in Punjab,
where we filmed a young mother giving birth, with
the help of a surgeon's scalpel, to her second daughter.
The Caesarean section was a complete success, and
the safe arrival of such a beautiful ball of life
should have been greeted with uncomplicated delight.
But the mother had failed once again to provide
her husband with a son and heir, so it was a singularly
joyless occasion.

A baby girls means a future dowry and a financial
burden for a family
Old attitudes
Handed the little girl, not yet 10 minutes old,
the women of the family were disapproving and edgy,
fretful perhaps of how they would break the news
to the men folk, who had not even come to the hospital.
On the maternity ward a few minutes later, I was
asked by one of the ladies - the mother's sister,
I think - whether we would like to name the baby
''Why pay 50,000
rupees to your new in-laws when you can pay 500
rupees for an abortion?''
We demurred, of course. Then came an even more
extraordinary request: did we want to take the baby,
not just to hold, but to have?
In another time, she might have been killed.
For this prosperous Punjabi family, we seemingly
offered a less savage means of disposal.
In modern-day India, sex selection, the all-too-common
practice by which female foetuses are terminated
before birth, conforms to a very different and disturbing
calculus: increased wealth brings increased access
to prenatal ultrasounds and sonograms.
New and more widely available technology, the engine
of India's relentless economic growth, is also fuelling
female foeticide.
According to a study by Unicef, a higher percentage
of boys are born now than 10 years ago in 80% of
India's districts.
Female infanticide occurs in 80% of states
Worst-affected states include wealthiest areas
927 girls born for every 1,000 boys
Infant mortality rate: 60/1,000
Source: Unicef
Only last month in the state of Orissa, the skulls
of 40 female foetuses and newborn girls were discovered
in an abandoned well.
More distressing still, sex selection is worst
in the most affluent parts of the country: Punjab,
Haryana, Gujarat.
In northern Punjab, for example, there are just
798 girls under the age of six for every 1,000 boys.
The national average is 927.
Even though it is illegal in India for a doctor
to reveal the gender of an unborn child, the law
is rarely enforced.
Over the past 20 years, it has been estimated that
some 10 million female foetuses have been aborted.
Girls are unwanted because they are seen as a financial
burden. Landholdings can pass to in-laws and dowries,
which themselves are illegal, siphon money from
First birthday
Why pay 50,000 rupees to your new in-laws when
you can pay 500 rupees for an abortion? You do not
even have to leave home.
Many unscrupulous doctors carry portable ultra-sound
equipment in the boots of their cars.
Increased consumer choice is one of the hallmarks
of the new India.
Tragically, it is being applied, with almost industrial
efficiency, to depress the female birth rate.