Death/Dying in Islam/Hospice? |

Article of the Month |
by: Mohammad Al-Shahri, MD
Death, Dying and Burial Rites in Islam
Al-Shahri MZ, Fadul N and Elsayem A.
European Journal of Palliative Care 2007;
13(4): 164-7
The article provides an overview of Islamic
rites pertinent to death, dying and burial in
order to assist health care providers in enhancing
their cultural competence when caring for dying
Muslim patients and their families. |
Islam means submission to the will of the creator
of the universe (Allah) by conforming to His
law and worshipping Him alone. The two main
sources of Islamic teachings are the Noble Qur’an
(the holy book revealed to the last Prophet,
Muhammad) and the Sunnah (prophetic sayings).
Death, in Islamic jurisprudence, may be defined
as complete irreversible cessation of heart
beat and respiration and/or permanent cessation
of all functions of the brain which has started
to decay (as confirmed by specialist physicians).
Muslims believe in an afterlife but do not believe
in the reincarnation of the soul of the dead
person into others. Life is sacred in Islam
and people do not own their lives and, therefore,
they have no right to end their lives. Hence,
forbiddance of euthanasia. |
Muslims are likely to be more comfortable with
non-definitive expectations of longevity, as
they believe that the longevity of a person
is known only to Allah and determined by Him.
However, they need to be kept updated about
the progression of the disease and whether death
is clinically approaching. Muslim families may
want to position the bed of the dying to face
the Holy Mosque in Makkah. |
The body of the deceased should be handled and
transported with the highest possible degree
of dignity, as the sanctity of the dead person
is considered the same as the living. Autopsies
are strictly prohibited unless they are required
by law. |
Muslims are prohibited from eating pork or drinking
alcohol. Although exempted from certain worship
practices, terminally ill patients may express
strong desire to fulfill these duties. |
The whole dead body must be washed and shrouded
and then carried by the relatives and Muslim
community to the mosque to perform funeral prayers
before burial. |
I chose this article.
Addressing spiritual and cultural concerns of our
palliative care patients and their families need
not be overemphasized. Muslims are living as large
or small minorities in almost all non-Islamic countries.
It has been reported that minority groups may be
at increased risk of receiving suboptimal healthcare.
I believe that we need to improve our awareness
of the cultural background of various minority groups
who may need our specialized palliative care.
Mohammad Al-Shahri, MD
Palliative Care Program
King Faisal Hospital
Riyadh 11393
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Al-Shahri is also a member of the IAHPC Board
of Directors
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